Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Facing Your Everyday Battles


God’s Training Method

Solitude – Alone with his father’s sheep

Obscurity – Not a prominent son

Monotony – Enjoyed his simple life

Reality – God became real everyday

Qualities God Saw in David

Spirituality – Active Faith

Humility – Serene Patience

Integrity - Zeal

“Man After God's Own Heart”

Loved the Word of God

Loved Prayer

Loved Praise

Loved Unity

Battle Belongs to the Lord

The Battle is the Lord’s

David had impossible odds against Goliath

David says "No, it will not be me fighting. God will defeat him."

“You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the LORD (Exodus 14:13)

Dealing with Our Problems

Do you try to tackle your problems alone or with God?

You need to strengthen yourself in the LORD

Peter once walked on water, and then began to sink, and immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” (Mt. 14:31)

David Sins Against the Lord

The Sin of David

David was needed in the battle but he stayed home from this battle

David saw Bathsheba and lusted after her

David used his position as king to get whatever he wanted

David tried to cover up his sin

David made sure Uriah was killed in battle

Nathan's Rebuke

David's Repentance

Falling upon the mercy of God

Acknowledging of sin

Recognizing God as your only hope

Prayer for cleansing

David's Prayer - Psalm 51

Prayer for change

Prayer for restoration

Prayer for deliverance


Repentance/Confession is a heartfelt recognition of what we are. It is important to God because it indicates that we take seriously our mistakes and failures. Of course, God does not ask us to confess our sins because He needs to know we have sinned, but because He knows that WE need to know we have sinned.

Repentance/Confession is a type of spiritual surgery, “Repentance works healing to the wound incurred in the heart. Just as the surgeon bursts a wound to permit the infection to drain and to heal from the inside, so confession opens the sore, drains the poison, and heals from within.”

God in Our Heart & Soul

Three Effects of the Life of God in the Soul

A New Relationship

A New Leadership

A New Freedom

Final Thoughts

“The conversion of a soul is the miracle of a moment, the manufacture of a saint is the task of a lifetime.”

Questions for Discussion:

1. How do you deal with the stress and strains of daily life?

2. Do you feel that you are tempted to go after what belongs to somebody else?

3. What are the key lessons you learn from David's life?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

OVERCOMING LIFE’S CHALLENGES: Lessons from the Life of Joseph

Joseph – “God adds"

Joseph’ life: I - Genesis 37: 1-4

• Joseph was Jacob’s favorite son. Jacob made a coat of many colors for him.

• His brothers hated him for this reason and would not even talk to him.

• Joseph was rather naive to tell his dreams to his brothers about his future supremacy and their submission to him.

• So, when the opportunity came at Dothan, they planned to kill Joseph. But Rueben tried to rescue him by persuading his other brothers not to kill him.

• His brothers sold Joseph to the caravan of Ishmaelite going to Egypt.

Joseph at the Potiphar’s House: II – Genesis 39:1-20

• He was a good administrator.

• Faithful servant

• Fair and handsome (Gen 39:6)

• God was with him and made him successful.

• God blessed his master through him. (Gen 39:2)

• Potiphar, his master had entrusted him with charge of all of his house affairs.

Temptation of Joseph:

• He was young and handsome. He was the head of the house. None would have known if he had given in to the temptation of the Potiphar’s wife.

• He feared God. (Gen 39:9)

• He tried to resist her as much as he could, but when time came he had to flee from the place.

• Due to false accusation of Potiphar’s wife, he was cast into prison. (Gen 39:20)

Joseph in the Prison: III – Genesis 39:20 – 41:37

• One could ask, why did God not rescue him from his troubles? But God’s plan and purpose are higher than ours.

• The Lord blessed Joseph in all his work. The Jailer gave him charge of all the other prisoners.

• In prison, he helped the chief butler (cup-bearer) to restore his position in Pharaoh’s office. But the cupbearer forgot his promise to mention about Joseph’s innocence to the Pharaoh.

• After two years, when Pharaoh had two dreams, the cupbearer remembered Joseph and his skills to interpret dreams.

• So when Joseph was brought to Pharaoh, he interpreted dreams about seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine.

• He suggested the preparation for the famine by storing food during the good harvest years.

Joseph: The Chief Minister (Governor) of Egypt: IV – Genesis 41:41-56

• The Pharaoh liked his proposal. And he made Joseph the Head of state to implement his plans for upcoming famine.

• He was given Egyptian name and was married to Egyptian priest’s daughter. God made him highly influential in Egypt.

• His wisdom and planning saved lives of people from not only Egypt but many other nations.

Joseph’s Life: The Unusual Family Reunion: V – Genesis 42-50

• The famine brought all people from different nations to Egypt for help, including his brothers from Israel.

• They could not recognize him, but he knew them. He remembered the dream he had, when he was a young boy.

• Joseph, after testing them in different ways, made himself known. (Gen 45:1-15)

• He forgave them and persuaded them to settle in Egypt with their father, Jacob.

• Joseph lived for 110 years. (Gen 50:26)

Lessons from Life of Joseph:

• God’s plans and purpose are greater and better than ours

• God’s providence and favor to the righteous

• Suffering to God’s people is not always bad

• Self control, patience and perseverance in the time of troubles

• Honesty, strong work ethics

• Fear of God and Faithfulness to God


Focus Questions

1. What are the most interesting moments in Joseph’s story?

2. What were Joseph’s best qualities? What made him stand out from the rest?

3. What obstacles did Joseph face? Did he overcome them, or go with the flow? Explain.

4. How did Joseph use his abilities to do God’s work?

5. Which part of the story appeals to you the most? Why?

6. How is the story relevant to life around you?

Please include three short quotations from the Bible texts to illustrate the points you are making.

Personal Questions

1. Have you ever felt unloved by friends and family? How did you cope with it?

2. Have you had to compromise your values and morals due to peer pressure?

3. Can you think of moments when you have used your talents to help others?

4. If you are away from family for school or work, how do you accustom yourself to life in a new place?